FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSNo! Our programs are free of charge. Yes, please contact us to register for classes. English Reading, English Writing, Math, Social Studies, Science, and Digital Literacy. We have 4 Adult Learning classrooms in Saint John and 1 in Sussex. We also have a Digital Literacy classroom in Saint John. We currently have night classes once a week at Place 400. Please contact us if you are intrested! Yes! Please contact Tara (506-636-2249) for an assessment to see if you meet the qualifications to study independently online. Yes! The Canadian Adult Education Credential test is available in French, and we have a French teacher available to help you prep for it. No. We can help you get your high school diploma equivalent, but not specific course credits. The 2002-series of Canadian GED tests can be used towards CAEC, so that you can avoid having to write a test that you have already completed under the GED. Certain high school courses can also be used to be exempted from subject tests. Click HERE for more information. You can create an account and book your test at We are Adult Learning, so you must be 18+ to join our classes, and 18+ to take the CAEC test. This being said, there is no age cap – it’s never too late to learn! |